Friday, February 27, 2015

Saint Cunegundes ...... Confessor .... pray for us ;)

Saint Cunegundes Prayer
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be ....
              Pray for peace in the world, peace in our hearts, our homes, our world!  Let our children grow up without violence, without hate, without lust, and not causing each other pain.  All of these things we ask through the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Amen. Anon.

The Story and History of Saint Cunegundes

The story and history of Saint Cunegundes. Cunegundes was the daughter of Siegfried, the first Count of Luxemburg, and Hadeswige, his pious wife. They instilled into her from her cradle the most tender sentiments of piety, and married her to St. Henry, Duke of Bavaria, who, upon the death of the Emperor Otho III., was chosen king of the Romans, and crowned on the 6th of June, 1002. She was crowned at Paderborn on St. Laurence's day. In the year 1014 she went with her husband to Rome, and received the imperial crown with him from the hands of Pope Benedict VIII. She had, by St. Henry's consent, before her marriage made a vow of virginity. Calumniators afterwards made vile accusations against her, and the holy empress, to remove the scandal of such a slander, trusting in God to prove her innocence, walked over red-hot ploughshares without being hurt. The emperor condemned his too scrupulous fears and credulity, and from that time they lived in the strictest union of hearts, conspiring to promote in everything God's honor and the advancement of piety.

Going once to make a retreat in Hesse, she fell dangerously ill, and made a vow to found a monastery, if she recovered, at Kaffungen, near Cassel, in the diocese of Paderborn, which she executed in a stately manner, and gave it to nuns of the Order of St. Benedict. Before it was finished St. Henry died, in 1024. She earnestly recommended his soul to the prayers of others, especially to her blear nuns, and expressed her longing desire of joining them. She had already exhausted her treasures in founding bishoprics and monasteries, and in relieving the poor, and she had therefore little left now to give. But still thirsting to embrace perfect evangelical poverty, and to renounce all to serve God without obstacle, she assembled a great number of prelates to the dedication of her church of Kaffungen on the anniversary day of her husband's death, 1025; and after the gospel was sung at Mass she offered on the altar a piece of the true cross, and then, putting off her imperial robes, clothed herself with a poor habit; her hair was cut off, and the bishop put on her a veil, and a ring as a pledge of her fidelity to her heavenly Spouse. After she was consecrated to God in religion, she seemed entirely to forget that she had been empress, and behaved as the last in the house, being persuaded that she was 30 before God. She prayed and read much, worked with her hands, and took a singular pleasure in visiting and comforting the sick. Thus she passed the last fifteen years of her life. Her mortifications at length reduced her to a very weak condition, and brought on her last sickness. Perceiving that they were preparing a cloth fringed with gold to cover her corpse after her death, she changed color and ordered it to be taken away; nor could she be at rest till she was promised she should be buried as a poor religious in her habit. She died on the 3rd of March, 1040. Her body was carried to Bamberg and buried near that of her husband. She was solemnly canonized by Innocent III. in 1200.

Feast Day of Saint Cunegundes

The Feast Day of Saint Cunegundes is March 3. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven.
Saint Cunegundes: Pray for us!
Amen. Anon.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Saint Clare ...... patron Saint of Television .. like where I used to work CH32 & CH4 :)

for all of my FORMER television employers:
Prayer to Saint Clare
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be....
God of mercy,
You inspired Saint Clare with the love of poverty.
By the help of her prayers
may we follow Christ in poverty of spirit
and come to the joyful vision of Your glory
in the Kingdom of heaven.
We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

God Help Ch12 << Honorable mention!
Why is Saint Clare the patron saint of Television?On February 17, 1958, Pope Pius XII designated her as the patron saint of television, on the basis that, when she was too ill to attend a Mass, she had been miraculously able to see and hear it on the wall of her room.
The Story and History of Saint ClareThe story and history of Saint Clare. Clare was born into a wealthy and noble family in Italy, the eldest daughter of Favorino Scifi, Count of Sasso-Rosso. She heard St Francis of Assisi preach and was inspired to emulate his lifestyle. She left her rich home and surroundings and established an order of nuns called the Order of Poor Ladies (Poor Clares) at San Damiano which she led for 40 years, until her death. The order was strict, but happy and the nuns led a most frugal life in sparse surroundings with simple clothes, no shoes, they ate no meat and kept silent most of the time. She lived during the time of political power struggles in Italy and her legend tells that when the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa (Red Beard) was ravaging the shores of the Adriatic against the forces of Pope Innocent III, she comforted her nuns with the declaration that God would not permit him to invade their convent. Full of faith, she placed the pyx of ivory and silver on the threshold, and kneeling down with the sisterhood, sang, "Thou hast rebuked the heathen, Thou hast destroyed the wicked, Thou hast put out their name for ever and ever." In consequence, the knights of Frederick I left them in peace.
Death of Saint Clare There are two categories of saints: martyrs and confessors. A Christian martyr is regarded as one who is put to death for his Christian faith or convictions. Confessors are people who died natural deaths. Date of Death: Saint Clare died in A.D. 1253. Cause of Death: Natural causes.
Blessed St. Clare: Pray for us!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

St. Catherine of Sienna ... scare the devil away!! :)

Feast Day of Saint Catherine of Sienna

The Feast Day of Saint Catherine of Siena is April 30. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven.
Prayer to St. Catherine
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be ...
Dominican Tertiary and Doctor of the Church, you were full of wisdom, the
special gift of God, and you knew how to guide even Pontiffs, as well as
how to extinguish fiery passions and restore true peace among people. How
inspiring your spiritual writings and how heroic your abstemious life!
Fires are today unfortunately all too common, some even caused by criminal
persons. Please protect and encourage firefighters in their heroic efforts
to save lives. Amen. Anon.


                         The Story and History of Saint Catherine of Siena
The story and history of Saint Catherine of Siena. Catherine, the daughter of a humble tradesman, was raised up to be the guide and guardian of the Church in one of the darkest periods of its history, the fourteenth century. As a child, prayer was her delight. She would say the "Hail Mary" on each step as she mounted the stairs, and was granted in reward a vision of Christ in glory. When but seven years old, she made a vow of virginity, and afterwards endured bitter persecution for refusing to marry. Our Lord gave her His Heart in exchange for her own, communicated her with His own hands, and stamped on her body the print of His wounds. At the age of fifteen she entered the Third Order of St. Dominic, but continued to reside in her father's shop, where she united a life of active charity with the prayer of a contemplative Saint. From this obscure home the seraphic virgin was summoned to defend the Church's cause. Armed with Papal authority, and accompanied by three confessors, she travelled through Italy, reducing rebellious cities to the obedience of the Holy See, and winning hardened souls to God. In the face well-nigh of the whole world she sought out Gregory XI. at Avignon, brought him back to Rome, and by her letters to the kings and queens of Europe made good the Papal cause. She was the counsellor of Urban VI., and sternly rebuked the disloyal cardinals who had part in electing an antipope. Long had the holy virgin foretold the terrible schism which began ere she died. Day and night she wept and prayed for unity and peace. But the devil excited the Roman people against the Pope, so that some sought the life of Christ's Vicar. With intense earnestness did St. Catherine beg Our Lord to prevent this enormous crime. In spirit she saw the whole city full of demons tempting the people to resist and even slay the Pope. The seditious temper was subdued by Catherine's prayers; but the devils vented their malice by scourging the Saint herself, who gladly endured all for God and His Church. She died at Rome, in 1380, at the age of thirty-three.
St. Catherine of Sienna, Pray for us!!
 Amen. Anon.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Saint Catherine of Alexandria ...... Virgin & Martyr ..... ;)

The Story and History of Saint Catherine of Alexandria

                            A Prayer to Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Glorious Saint Catherine, virgin and martyr, help me to imitate your love of purity. Give me strength and courage in fighting off the temptations of the world and evil desires.
Help me to love God with my whole heart and serve Him faithfully.
O Saint Catherine, through your glorious martyrdom for the love of Christ, help me to be loyal to my faith and my God as long as I live.

The story and history of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. Catherine was a noble virgin of Alexandria. Before her Baptism, it is said, she saw in vision the Blessed Virgin ask her Son to receive her among His servants, but the Divine Infant turned away. After Baptism, Catherine saw the same vision, when Jesus Christ received her with great affection, and espoused her before the court of heaven. When the impious tyrant Maximin II. came to Alexandria, fascinated by the wisdom, beauty and wealth of the Saint, he in vain urged his suit. At last in his rage and disappointment he ordered her to be stripped and scourged. She fled to the Arabian mountains, where the soldiers overtook her, and after many torments put her to death. Her body was laid on Mount Sinai, and a beautiful legend relates that Catherine having prayed that no man might see or touch her body after death, angels bore it to the grave.
Blessed St. Catherine, pray for us!!!
Amen. Anon.

Monday, February 23, 2015

St. Brigid: pray for us! For those fallen women ... trapped and abused!

Death of Saint Bridget : Confessor

There are two categories of saints: martyrs and confessors. A Christian martyr is regarded as one who is put to death for his Christian faith or convictions. Confessors are people who died natural deaths. Date of Death: Saint Bridget died in A.D. 525. Cause of Death: Natural Causes.


Prayer to Saint Brigid
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be .....

Saint Brigid
You were a woman of peace.
You brought harmony where there was conflict.
You brought light to the darkness.
You brought hope to the downcast.
May the mantle of your peace cover those who are troubled and anxious,
and may peace be firmly rooted in our hearts and in our world.
Inspire us to act justly and to reverence all God has made.
Brigid you were a voice for the wounded and the weary.
Strengthen what is weak within us.
Calm us into a quietness that heals and listens.
May we grow each day into greater wholeness in mind, body and spirit.
Amen. Anon.

Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Bridget
The following provides fast and concise facts and information:
  • The patron of Ireland and Fallen Women
  • Memorial Day / Feast Day: February 1
  • Date of Death: Saint Bridget died in A.D. 525
  • Cause of Death: Natural Causes

Who or what is Saint Bridget the patron saint of?
Saint Bridget is the female patron of Ireland and Fallen Women. Meanings, definition and origins - a patron is considered to be a defender of a specific group of people or of a nation. There is a patron for virtually every cause, profession or special interest. Prayers are considered more likely to be answered by asking a patron for intercession on their behalf.
St. Brigid: pray for us!
For those trapped in sexual slavery!
For the children of slavery today!
For those in sweat shops laboring!
For the starving!
Oh, Dear Jesus!
Pray for us!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Smile ... St. Apollonia is praying for you ........ :)

Died burned to death ... Martyr
Power of the Holy Spirit
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be ...
Prayer for Toothache to Saint Apollonia
0 Glorious Apollonia, patron saint of dentistry and refuge to all those suffering from diseases of the teeth, I consecrate myself to thee, beseeching thee to number me among thy clients. Assist me by your intercession with God in my daily work and intercede with Him to obtain for me a happy death. Pray that my heart like thine may be inflamed with the love of Jesus and Mary, through Christ our Lord. Amen. 0 My God, bring me safe through temptation and strengthen me as thou didst our own patron Apollonia, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Anon.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

St. Agatha ...... Today's Saint ... be well ;)

Prayer for the intercession of Saint Agatha
O Heavenly Father,
Who raised Agatha
to the dignity of Sainthood,
we implore Your Divine Majesty
by her intercession
to give us health of mind,
body and soul.
Free us from all those things
which hold us bound to this earth,
and let our spirit, like hers,
rise to your heavenly courts.
Through Jesus Christ,
Your Son, our Lord,
Who lives and reigns
with You, forever. Amen.
Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Agatha
The following provides fast and concise facts and information:
  • The patron of nurses, sufferers from diseases of the breast and she is also protector against fire
  • Memorial Day / Feast Day: February 5th
  • Date of Death: Saint Agatha died in 251
  • Cause of Death: Torture and being rolled on hot coals
Who or what is Saint Agatha the patron saint of?
Saint Agatha is the patron of Sufferers from diseases of the breast and she is also protector against
fire. Meanings, definition and origins - a patron is considered to be a defender of a specific
group of people or of a nation. There is a patron for virtually every cause, profession
or special interest. Prayers are considered more likely to be answered by asking a patron
for intercession on their behalf.
Death of Saint Agatha
There are two categories of saints: martyrs and confessors. A Christian martyr is regarded as
one who is put to death for his Christian faith or convictions. Confessors are people who died natural
deaths. Date of Death: Saint Agatha died in 251. Cause of Death: Torture and being rolled on hot coals. 
Why is Saint Agatha the patron of Sufferers from diseases of the breast and she is
also protector against fire?Why is Saint Agatha is the patron of Sufferers from diseases of the breast and protector against fire?
St. Agatha is invoked by sufferers from diseases of the breast, because her breast was ordered to
 be torn by two slaves with iron shears. She is protector, also, against fire, from the particular mode
of her martyrdom, her body being exposed to the flames, although, to increase the torture, she was
not permitted to be burned to death, but taken back to her dungeon to die in agony. A year after her
martyrdom, when Mount Etna was in eruption, the terrified inhabitants of Catania, in the district,
took refuge at her shrine, and finding there her veil, they stuck it on a lance and marched towards
 the mountain, invoking her intercession, with a result that the fire was at once put out.
How Saint Agatha is represented in Christian Art
It is helpful to be able to recognise Saint Agatha in paintings, stained glass windows, illuminated
 manuscripts, architecture and other forms of Christian art. The artistic representations reflect the
life or death of saints, or an aspect of life with which the person is most closely associated. Saint
Agatha is represented in Christian Art wearing a long veil. The veil of St. Agatha was drawn
tightly round her lacerated bosom when, by God's command, St. Peter came into her dungeon to
 heal it with precious ointments. Hence she is usually represented wearing a long veil. The shears a
re always in evidence, either in her hand or lying beside her. Sometimes she has a dish or salver
containing a female breast.

Feast Day of Saint Agatha
The Feast Day of Saint Agatha is February 5th. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially
 designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as
 the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual
commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into
Amen. Anon!!!!!


Friday, February 20, 2015

St. Blandina ..... pray for us ;)

Dearest St. Blandina having undergone the tragedy of your murder I petition now for all of the women in the world who are being tortured by killers and rapists.  Let Satan in the form of their abductors be defeated by the power of the Arch Angels, in particular St. Michael's power!  Through the intercession of St. Blandina, who was herself finally killed by a dagger, I petition for all victims of hate crimes. 
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Through Jesus Christ our Lord, be free.  Amen.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Joan of Arc & the Score ...... So we all look alike after all ......... :)

I have been struggling with something for quite some time, and it involves my heterosexuality, post Katrina New Orleans, and those who would used my skin color to incriminate me.  Put quite simply I've been mistaken for the wrong age group.  I taught juvenille deliquents, I AM NOT ONE!  SOCIAL TRENDS WOULD, HOWEVER, INTERPRET ALL OF MY ADULTHOOD FROM THE GAY PERSPECTIVE MAKING ME A GANGSTA!!! THUS, I MUST RELOCATE!!! I SIMPLY CANNOT ACT LIKE AN ANGOLA CRIMINAL ON PAROLE IF I AM NOT ONE.
                                        Saint Joan of Arc Gallery
             Strangely, I call St. Joan of Arc Parish home, or at least I did when I was a child.  What I underestimated was the number of people guilty about integration in my youth, many of the elderly, and what would happen if ever there were a backlash against civil rights.  With that 'badass' gangsta thing in entertainment ruling people's mentality it was always easy for racists to confuse the innocent with the guilty.  To make a long story short my life has been on the same type of misidentification as the saints of old. Well, maybe, they have been accurately identifying me .. as heterosexual i.e.  OJ style (forgetting about Lynn Swan, Dusty Baker, Joe Morgan, etc).  While I believe in women's rights, I will NOT be identified as a criminal. Pray with me ......

For Faith

In the face of your enemies, in the face of harassment, ridicule, and doubt, you held firm in your faith. Even in your abandonment, alone and without friends, you held firm in your faith. Even as you faced your own mortality, you held firm in your faith. I pray that I may be as bold in my beliefs as you, St. Joan. I ask that you ride alongside me in my own battles. Help me be mindful that what is worthwhile can be won when I persist. Help me hold firm in my faith. Help me believe in my ability to act well and wisely. Amen.

Prayer for the Intercession of St. Joan of arc

Dear Sweet Patron Saint,
I implore you in the name of God to intercede on my behalf and guide me. Help me to be strong when people are against me and question my belief in God. Help me to stand by my faith and my decisions concerning my faith. I wish to do only God's will, and I beg of you, O Patron Saint, to help keep me on His true path, and guide me in His will. I need friends now, more than ever before, and I choose God as my first and foremost best friend, above all others. But I also choose you as a close and special friend to relate to and to talk to. Please counsel me by any means necessary that is in the will of God to do.

Please let me have the wisdom and understanding to receive his message and the patience and virtue to listen so that I may understand his word.

St. Joan, Pray for us.

               ......Now , I've blogged this!! Amen. Anon.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

St. Dymphna ......... Be Blessed .......... :)

Unfortunately, the history of the Human Species has not been kind to the members of the fairer gender when it comes to our sexuality.  I cannot even begin to even claim to feel the frustrations of those women who have applied themselves for years to their crafts, their disciplines, and instead are identified as only T and A.  I once mentioned the 'fast sex' industry relating a lot of those things men feel toward women in the same way as 'fast food', making them feel like a piece of meat.  But, I maintain that it's the 555,555 males who are always having their way with women who paint that picture in female minds, those men who are only hormones and forcefulness. 
          Here's what I'm gonna start today, on the first day of Christian Catholic Lent.  I'm going to remember a saint per day that has lost her life for her faith by posting a prayer until I finally run out, starting with St. Dymphna.  I leave it up to you to find out who she was.  Pray with me ..........

Good Saint Dymphna, great wonder-worker in every affliction of mind and body, I humbly implore your powerful intercession with Jesus through Mary, the Health of the Sick, in my present need. (Mention it.) Saint Dymphna, martyr of purity, patroness of those who suffer with nervous and mental afflictions, beloved child of Jesus and Mary, pray to Them for me and obtain my request.
(Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.)
Saint Dymphna, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us.
                                          Image result for simple green plant
         Posit this: Sometimes a plant is just a plant! 
You can't go around seeing weed just because YOU
did it! Amen. Anon.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Keep Your Clothes On Ladies ...... I mean that ....... :)

               Contrary to what I may have conveyed by my attitudes towards NORMAL adult relation, I myself am not a pervert.  I am in no way encouraging women to expose themselves, to me or anyone else.  Whilst human affections are in fact normal, I am NOT a predator entertaining INDECENT PROPOSALS.  That's why I haven't attended a Mardi Gras in more than ten years.  I'm not squeemish at all, just the opposite.  You see, I'm the opposite of most men.  It is EMOTIONS via clothes, facial expressions, make up choice, that EXPOSES a person to me.  Your choice of words, typeface, BOLD or underline that render's one 'naked' to me.  Can you understand that? Good!

                    Do you know who this is? Her name was Norma Jean.  She faked out a world of people by playing the blonde bombshell.  But, you can see the intelligence in their eyes.  She could be president, not just singing to one.  I've come to really hate skin flicks actually, speaking from experience.  I know more than anyone else the female stereotype doesn't exist.  As I've overstated the many episodes of Alice, One Day at a Time, etc. those seventies shows drove it home time and time again.  When I see alot of skin I see alot of lies.  No woman has ever (or will ever) sensually expose herself physically to me for my sexual pleasure.  That's why I look for the Norma Desmond, the Betty Davis, the Kathryn Hepburn, the Joan Crawford in the women I see.  Behind every bombshell there's a real predator, a tigress, no ...  a tiger, and a mind.  I see you.  Amen. Anon.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Second rule of Defy! Affirm my VIRGINITY LAUGHING AT YOU ALL!!! ;)

I am a not sexually active, celibate, and I am still a VIRGIN! In the context of the response from my last blogs I want to make it perfectly clear! I am Holy Spiritually oriented. 

                                        Image result for Holy Spirit
                My question is why I should have to consistently pay for crime I did not commit! Like Jesus, I rise from the tomb of other people's considerations and I am constantly praying for you.  Only I, the VIRGIN MAN could get into trouble by implying heterosexuality in the form of a picture that some may not WANT to associate me with.  Nurse Ratchett, who used to be Lisa Rowe, needs to chill out!!!  Whatever whale she is playing Ahab against today .... she is sick.  I'm still a virgin, that's the real issue. Go tend to the real criminals on the ward!!! Amen. Anon.

Friday, February 13, 2015

From the barn to the Grotto, from the church to the manger!!!

              It ends as it began, the cycle of life.  It began with Adam & Eve, their graces, their big disgrace, being thrown out of the Garden of Eden, and then Cain & Abel are yet another chapter.  But, that sex thing from the very beginning is confusing.  As I read it, it was Adam and Eve having their minds opened AND BEING ASHAMED OF THEIR NUDITY THAT WAS THE SIN!!!  THEY WERE WALKING AROUND NAKED THE WHOLE TIME, BEFORE THEY SINNED!!!!  But, the metaphor in the book of Genesis that is so misunderstood is that the 'snake' charmed first Eve, then Adam, to sin against God.  It says nothing about sexual misconduct!!!!
                                      "Be fruitful and multiply!!!"
                  How tragic that something as perfect as life could be interrupted by the actions of a few Satanic spirits, spirits of selfishness ... ruining the interpretation of sex for all time for some people.  I am not cold to the fact that from St. Joan of Arc to St. Dymphna people, women in particular, have died …. that is have been killed for the sexual pleasure of men.  Doesn’t seem like I know, huh?  What is also forgotten is that Mary, Jesus' mother, had her baby while Elizabeth her cousin was made pregnant in her old age, too.  Then what has happened to make people so ANTI-HETEROSEXUAL lately.  WHAT FACTOR?  The confounding factor that I’m always going to bring up regarding sexuality is … racism!  I did not know what racism actually was until spending time with a few very ignorant people who just wouldn’t let up.  The first thing they said to me was,"You look like the savages my great great grandparents used to see in the jungle: all eyes and teeth in the darkness!"  What’s worse is that the reason they would not let up is because I just kept on being a nigger to them.  What the hell is being a nigger? Based on skin color???? What are they talking to?  

              What did they mean by ‘black nigger sex’ in particular, "how ya’ll do it!"  The feelings focused upon me were so disgusting that even the most innocent people, who were indeed trying not to be racist, were still the most alienating!  But, the one word that I now know covers racist attitudes is -- SICK!  When a value system begins and ends and is sustained by attitudes towards not only skin color but the creature that they associate with it, you’d better ask just what the heck they are talking about.  Apparently, the darker your skin the more of a nigger you are, or so the rules state.  Yet, no one asks a single dermatologist to substantiate what the actual function of skin color is regarding behavior.  Where is this correlation?  And, the biggest elephant in the room is the collective mechanism of capturing, torturing, and identity twisting the victim that literally rips a person from their ancestral home and concentrates solely and entirely on the subjective interpretation of skin color.  It's a nigger factory, cranking out target behaviors and colorizing them!!!  In effect, the brainwashing targets the human being to be made over into a specific skin colored creature.

                Now, back to sex.  The word nigger has for the past few decades come to mean exclusively the DARK SKINNED MALE!!!  We dark skinned males have been isolated as a specific species.  But, in their speeches about EXCUSES, they conveniently leave out that nifty mechanism of social betrayal and rejection.  In short, the European Colony systems were none other than a nigger factory, the males of which were to be breeders, or castrated to stop them from doing so.  The man inside, the human male, has been forgotten within the social mythologies made up of half truths and whole lies.  The half truths involve those set ups that only give one side of the story (as in Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin), the side justifying the lynchings/murders.  The side of the story having to do with the (police) set up was always forgotten, until ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ was written.  Then, we got to see that Robert Duvall character (Boo Radley) was actually the killer, even though they went on an presumably killed the Brock Peters character (Tim Robinson)  anyway.  Still, it was the first step in confronting racist lies.

           So, we’ve not come so far after all.  Where sex is concerned there are still the squeamish and queezy when it comes to dark skinned men.  What’s worse is finally teaching young men of dark skin color identities outside of the racist description is next to impossible now.  Why? Well for example, when I started to wake up as an African American male in my own house it was met by resistance from my own parents (and others) who were still clinging to segregation rules.  “What’s wrong with being called a nigger, it’s the word WE grew up with  …  WHY NOT YA'LL ...” is what I heard.  I just could not believe my ears.  And similar such statements continued until I could not take it anymore and moved into the family garage, rats, squirrels, flies, wasps, mosquitos … peace!  This was LONG before I was a teacher, and before graduate school.  It was during my undergraduate years that I got lost and I could not at the time ascertain the simple reason why.  It was this: I was finally at my parents Xavier University, not my own, and it was to be THEIR second chance at college.  Without getting too deeply into this, America was undergoing its REBIRTHING stage regarding certain social segments in the 80's and 90's. Remember the crime drama shows that depicted that mess.  Well, while it was being shown on television, I was actually experiencing it.

           Again, back to the sex … or should I say gender.  The Prince Boy George Michael Jackson ‘Wham!’ Culture Club sequenced glove brigade was making strides (in the 80's and 90's) with their Crying Game move.  Why not (and it took me a long time to figure this out),-- why not take the emasculation of a generation literally.  It was the perfect solution for racist pedophiles to MANDATE the feminine behavior on .. well, all of us!!!  The other half was accomplished by Oprah, Maya Angelou, Ellen, Will and Grace, and other entities opening the door for gay and female victim rights.  I have no problem with this phenomenon.  The PROBLEM IS MANDATING, BY SKIN COLOR -- what I call shooting in the dark.  You don’t know me, but I’m very brown skinned (relatively speaking all depending on how long I spend in the sun, some parts are darker than others).  So, you use a combination of language place holders and mythology to assign me an identity, including sexually.  But, I’m going to introduce a catastrophic thought into your mind: Neither I nor anyone will be the nigger you expect us to be.  There is no race genetics by skin color or any other mechanism.  There are no race hormones responsible for special intelligence or ignorance.  I haven’t the foggiest clue as to why Darla couldn’t kiss Buckwheat, or Stymie for that matter, or where the heck the ‘Black’ Darla was all that time.  (Don’t get me started on the substitution job that Speed Racer did with Chim Chim as sidekick and Scooby Do as Shaggy’s sidekick … oh come on am I reaching here. You tell me!)

             In all truth, Heterosexuality itself is itself under fire.  According to some people of the next generation it is allegedly over.  Well, there goes procreation, and certainly for ‘niggers’, by skin color remember.  Gosh help you if you’re caught around certain people wanting, or doing, certain things with other skin colored people.  Today I read a comment online by some ignorant (although probably not evil) guy who asked why blacks in New Orleans wore cowboy hats.  When I grew up in my neighborhood we wore whatever we wanted.  We skateboarded, had swimming pools in our backyards, had gardens, dated each other, those who had and could afford muscle cars worked freely on them, lifted weights in the backyard, and played instruments (guitars, basses, horns, drums, keyboards, etc.) in the local school and garage bands. 

               When, the 80’s happened casual race mixing just sorta socially happened.  By the end of the 80’s there was one big hoppin’ U2, Michael Jackson, Humpty Dancin’ block party.  Then, gangsta rap moved in, there went the neighborhood (Steady Mobbin-Ice Cube), but no harm done, eh?  By the mid 1990’s everything was ruined by trash tv and news stories and their perspectives of new social victims sick of crime who needed a target image.  Then Rodney King and OJ happened which was hell on earth to me from that point on.  I was in graduate school for goodness sake.  But, even in Manhattan, Kansas there were crimes, banks robbed in town. Guess who's image they tried to pin that on?

           From that point on Jim Crow had not-so-secretly begun to gain a foothold again.  Skin color racism was back.  David Duke ran for and won elected offices in Louisiana, and if not for Edwin Ewards would have been governer.  We had it right America: freedom for all and Jesse Jackson should have been president right after Clinton.   But, bloodthirsty vengeance for the OJ verdict killed civil rights for a long time.  We were making strides bigger than Nothing But Cosby (NBC), we had the most positive African American characters on TV in the history of media.  Did we mess it up?  All too many would say yes, that we’d gained too much and gone too far.  They would take the actions of our mentally and criminally ill and colorize them to fit their racist theories.
             But, here’s my official and final answer: THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS A NIGGER!!!  All racism is mythology created to used skin color as its most recent sifting mechanism.  Ooops, one has to count what Hitler tried to do to the Jews.  But, wait! Didn’t we free the world and defeat Hitler???   Then, why are we still fighting for our dignity to this very day???  I am a brown skinned man and I refuse to be characterized by my (present) skin color, sexually in particular!!!  I know that the media popularizes a specific image of victimizer as the boogyman in the night.  However, do you really believe that a person is more evil the darker their skin color is? Or, is it that so many doors close in the faces of a particular skin color of people so as to CREATE the race that the nigger factory cranks out.  Amen. Anon.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

10+ Children to a barn room .... legacy of hurt ... a cult of bitterness :(

          I'm going to make a confession now: I have been very very negligent regarding my own self care.  This is hard for me to admit, but I really let myself go.  At the worst stages I had a few 'unexplainable' skin ailments and was obese (300+ lbs).  Very early in the beginning of my life I had asthma (chicken pox, etc. childhood illnesses), but as I got older the emotional problems initiated by various agencies (schizophrenic & manic depressive parental figures) finally got to me.  There were relatives and associations waaaayyy back in the sixties and seventies who sat in the same spot like 'wooden Indians', one guy in particular had the dubious distinction of being the one walking the neighborhood, no home, no address, but walking the neighborhood all day and night!!!
              After a long while in life I started to get negative nods from other people due to my body odor, and the same affliction finally landed me in the hospital with pneumonia where I almost died.  My lack of resistance and overwork as a teacher in particular was very apparent.  A little later the obesity then caused the manifestation of high blood pressure.  I finally realized that I had lost control and that I was in alot of trouble. It all had to do with me not taking into account my grandparents' drafty house of home remedies and that, as good as my grandmother's house was where I grew up, the negatives were outweighing the posities.  Worse, the doses of 'home remedies' that grandma would concoct could have killed me.
              Now, that being said, a friend of mine just kicked me out of her club.  The reason, well I apparently have a lack of sensitivity ... of all things ... in the area of sexuality.  I posted a pic of a man and a woman intimately embracing WITH THEIR CLOTHES ON .... SHE SAID IT WAS PORNOGRAPHIC.  The only people who associate sex and pornography with me are racists!
           Is this pornographic?  Well, anyway, knowing a little something about the issue behind the family's existance I figured out something.  What about those real Waltons, Eight is Enough, Partridges, etc. large families specifically the ones from the past.  They 'developed' their families in those barn rooms and one bedroom houses.  They were families where the parents made love in the same room as the older kids slept making the new younger kids!  I did not have that experience, but, it's not the first time that older kids from these situations have confronted me about their version of sexual morality.  But, rather than handling the situation maturely and realizing that other people did not have their misfortune, my friend flatly 'disciplined' me by barring me from their 'playground'.  I've been similarly confronted by actual rape victims, and those raped in childhood about my open HETEROSEXUALITY!  YES I SAID HETEROSEXUALITY!!  Apparently I can be the pin cushon carrying the cross for the 'family' teaching lessons via being the 'wooden Indian', but if I show any signs of HETEROSEXUAL LIFE, then they presume to scream rape!
             The spill over in the modern sexual world has led me to ask the question: Are heterosexuals included on the gay lesbian transexual spectrum.  For some reason people (mostly gay people) think that I am gay, even when I painstakingly tell them that I'm not.  For some time now they've taken upon themselves in 'JIM JONES-HEAVEN'S GATE' cult style to tell me that I'm 'off color' in regard to what they thought I was.  With the advent of everything OJ and the beating of Rodney King since then the racial overtones of these accusation are clear.  I get it, they want Buckwheat and Rodchester again, Amos and Andy, the eunics of the past.  It's similar to the contraversy about Barbara Eden's naval  on I Dream of Jeannie. 
               But, I am personally sick of these presumptions on the part of the squeemish.  If you don't want to see it, don't f**king look!!!  Every single time I manifest heterosexual tendencies with this 'family', they forget about their crimes and criminal associates, and they think that attacking me is going to suffice.  What's more, without fail the females in particular who had to endure the indignity of hearing their parents go at it have a definitely affinity for gay men, yes that trend.  It's not surprising that they hate the idea of 'normal sexual' identities.  But, as I have stated, when they ignore my self definition and opt for what they would rather me be I get a little testy.  And what they want is that puttywhipped guy, that Norman Bates half stuffing birds in the parlor without his killer half.   That's the type of 'boyfriends' I've seen them with in this cult!!! THEIR EXPECTATION OF NORMAL MEN IS UNREALISTIC!!! 
           Thus, I have spoken!!! My association with that family cult is done ... they have their active felons and internal family revolutions to deal with.  THEY ARE LIKE THOSE OTHER 1960'S CULTS!!! I will NOT be their whipping boy on this issue. They need to come clean with every guy they interact with and tell about their issues before SURPRISING people like me with the notion that everything that is normal and that I've developed on purpose is PORNOGRAPHIC to them.  I am NOT UNISEX!!! Don't play me again!!! Amen! Anon!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Who am I to say these things .......... I am ....... >>>

KAREN SILKWOOD .... truth teller, whistle blower!!  If you don't like what I'm saying or what I post then ...... don't read below this line!!!  I'm gonna tell it like it is!!! 
                                                             Karen Silkwood

              Once upon a time a brave person told the truth about her company and paid a price.  I'm just saying what people don't want me to say as an adult during these OJ Simpson times.  Remember what happened that day .... that white Bronco day.  That day was supposed to be the day the Heidi Fleiss trial went down ...THAT VERY DAY!!! NO ONE REMEMBERS THAT!!!
                                                Heidi Fleiss Is Pro Abortion!
                People today have made a movie about a sniper number one, think about that!  We used to say make love not war! What happened? The picture below could have been an album cover, and if it were Maplethorpe it would be considered beautiful, right?
          Slap me! Spank me! Whatever ... this is my JOB now .... even if it seems pornographic to some of you.  Remember MAKE LOVE NOT WAR!!!  I have to make a living now and WRITING in some capacity is the means to that end now.  I've told you my tale and my job predicament! Thanks for buying my book, by the way! "Forgiveness & Avoiding the Negativity Trap!" But, what's happening to America? REALLY!!??!! AMEN! ANON!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sex is Sacred!!! Man & Woman most important!! :)

So, here I go ... I have something important to say, especially if YOU ARE GAY!! >>> I have nothing against you !!! <<< There, but it's been my experience that most gays I meet have something against me. Let me explain: I walk into a room, I see particularly healthy fine female I like ... the "FOUL-BALL" alert these days, I call it the OJ look, stares back at me.  There is a phenomenon that explains this, it's all over the movies and television and other media. I call it the 'Female fast sex industry - SATURATION!'  By the time the average sexy female is of age she has either had sex with all who could get to her or being approached daily by those 555,555 men I talked about in my previous blogs.  Worse, there are the victims of sexual battery, crimes against nature, against all female kind. Right?
          But, here's the gist .... ESPECIALLY IN NEW ORLEANS, LA -- you are NOT going to win by turning the men out!! Forcing men into homosexuality by leveraging the playing field against them, especially for racist purposes, is NOT WORKING!!!  A generation of people, as explained, created a stage for Alice through Will and Grace, fine.  But, and this is sensitive, there are are still mentally ill and not at all feminine men by natural means.  There in lay the proverbial rub.  And, there are those who don't care how your lovers came about, thus prison is a valid means toward the end (no pun intended), even more sexy.  But, the fantasy is ending as Mr. Ripley is showing up more and more, the real Andrew Cunanans vs. their  Gianni Versace.  
              It's the force factor in any rape, isn't it.  And lesbians may feel that it's time for men to know how they feel, but at its heart aren't we still talking about paraphelia.  How can you turn normal heterosexuality into an anomoly?  That people may feel like the other gender in behavior & internally cannot change  ... REAL MALES.   I feel like I'm on an elementary schoolyard in a popularity contest with some people, and all us Bill Cosby and OJ looking types are continuously suspect.  I am praying for you if you haven't gotten the message about straight guys by now. WE'RE NOT CHANGING!  WE ARE A TOLERANT BUNCH, BUT UNYIELDING!!! I'M TRYING TO UNDERSTAND PEOPLE'S FEELING ABOUT THEMSELVES.  But, where criminal implications are concerned, when you infer criminal tendencies in me for being heterosexual, I cannot let you change me.  I understand that women are flooded with cruel intentions and indecent proposals at all times.  But, racism changes everything as far as how far I'm willing to change.  That fake eunic behavior ain't gonna make it.  Remember the Gay vs. Police Softball game in New Orleans at Larry Gilbert Stadium? So do I. Amen. Anon. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Blessing our Relationship ... Clinging to the Holy Spirit!!! Part 2

                  Before I get any flack about posting a picture of a man and a woman making love I just want to ask one question: With all the gay marriage imagery that is soooo beautiful going around from Mapletorp to Adam Lambert kissing openly on stage, how can they what they are saying.
           I have announced the fact that I am not gay a long time ago and my significant other and I have consumated our union.  There is a population of queezy minded psuedoprudes who have a serious problem with seeing the male and female image together so I have collected a few here to remind them WHAT NATURE IS!!! BIRDS AND BEES AND THINGS OF THAT SORT!!! THE GAMETES THEMSELVES ARE HETEROSEXUAL IN DESIGN!!!
                           ... beautiful romantic interracial couple in love lying down on the bed
          People make love!  Our PARENTS MADE LOVE! 
                      THAT'S WHY WE'RE HERE!
YOUR EYES!!